Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week of February 15

ENG 406-01 - LES Reader Response and Newspaper Article are now due on Thursday, Feb. 17.  The Commonwealth Essay is due on Feb. 25.  (For competition entries, the due date is Feb. 22.)

POP 304-03 - The Career Essay is due right after March break, on Monday, March 7.

ENT 402-01 - We are continuing to plan our in-school business projects.  Remember, we have to be ready to present these to School Council for approval.

GEO 206-01 - The workbook Complex Task was due last Friday.  The essay complex task ("Can there be use without misuse") and quiz will be on Thursday, Feb. 24.

LAW 812-01 - Any student who missed the test on Feb. 10 must find me to make a rewrite appointment.  We will be watching the movie Erin Brockovich and working on related activities dealing with business and civil law.

ETH 100-01 - We will be continuing the LES on Media and Sexuality.  After discussing your ads with a partner, you will need to write a letter to the company, in which you complain about their advertising methods and you suggest a different approach.  There will be a movie-related activity on the influence of media coming up...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

Hello!  Hope the new term is off to a good start for everybody.  This is what is happening in my classes at the moment:

ENG 406-01:  We are still working on the LES on water.  If you have missed any classes, see me about getting caught up.  Remember that the Commonwealth Essay is due on February 25.  There is a 600 word maximum.  You will get a list of topics this week.  (If you are writing yours to enter in the official competition, the due date is February 22 and the word limit is 1000.)

GEO 206-01:  We are continuing to work on forests.  There will be two Complex Task activities for February, and you will hear about them in class today.  The workbook complex task (pages 50-55) is due on February 15 and the essay is due on February 25.  Both are related to Forestry (see Unit 3 in the textbook.)  There should be lots of time for you to work on these in class, but make good use of your time!

POP 304-03:  We are continuing to do self-assessment quizzes and reflections on our interests and skills, and how they relate to potential careers we might pursue.  You will get a copy of the Complex Task in the next couple of days.  You can also expect some guest speakers soon...

ENT 402-01:  We are in the midst of finalizing a business project to undertake at Pontiac or at PHS specifically.  By next week, you must have decided on a plan, and have assigned specific duties to group members.  Remember, you should focus on a project that benefits the school, the community, or a particular charity.

LAW 802-12:  Test on February 10.  You need to be familiar with Torts, Contracts, and the most recent newspaper article we have read.  (The article is related to contracts in sports.)  If you have questions or problems, see me.

ETH 140-01:  We are continuing the Media and Sexuality LES.  Expect a mix of group and individual work, and think about what you will write in your letters to the company responsible for the ad you chose.

Have a great week and weekend.  Take care.

Mr. Foster

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Term 3 is underway!

Well, Term 3 has started, which means we're about half done the school year.  Having fun myself, but guess most of you are hoping the second half goes as quickly as the first...

ENG 406-01:  We are continuing our LES on water.  If you miss a class or two, please see me about getting caught up at lunch or some other time.

GEO 206-01:  We are continuing to work on forests in Unit 3 of the text and workbook.

POP 304-03:  We are continuing to work on self tests and surveys related to our interests and abilities.  For those of you who need I.D.s and passwords to log in, we will have you in the system soon...

LAW 812-01:  Officially, this is a new semester and a new course.  Class should be similar to how it has been so far, but there will be more of a focus on business law issues.  It may sound boring, but I'll try to make it as fun as possible.

ETH 140-01:  We are continuing to work on the Media and Sexuality LES.  Don't forget to bring in an advertisement for next class.  Make sure you show it to me at the beginning of class.

ENT 402-01:  We will start up our group business projects next class.  Should be fun!

As always, if you miss class or have any problems or questions, please let me know.  Have a great rest of the week and weekend.

Mr. Foster

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

I hope everybody had a great holiday.  A little sad that the vacation is over, but I'm looking forward to see you again.  The term ends of January 20, so it will be a busy next couple of weeks.  Here's what we've got going for the next while...

ENG 406-01:  On The Beach essays are due on Tuesday, Jan. 11.  If you haven't yet handed in your movie review or presented your formal speech, you need to get done by Friday, Jan. 14.  All of these complex tasks are essential in order to pass the course.

LAW 802-01:  Law presentations - famous trials - will be on Friday, Jan. 14 and Tuesday, Jan. 18.  Make sure to confirm your topic with me.  PowerPoint or poster is fine, but make sure to have a back-up plan.

GEO 206-01:  The major complex task on Native Territory is due on Monday, Jan. 17.  You can confirm your topic with me on Thursday, Jan. 6, as well as have more time in the computer lab for research. The smaller complex task based on The Last of the Mohicans, if it has not yet been handed in, will be accepted until then.

POP 304-01:  For those of you who sent me your presentations, thank you very much!  I appreciate it.  Presentations of your slide shows will happen in the next couple of weeks.  There will also be a couple of more guest speakers.  Make sure that I have hard copies of your resumes and slide shows.

ENT 402-02:  On Tuesday, Jan. 11 we will finalize our project groups and think more on project ideas.  If you have not completed the complex task from December, get it in ASAP.

ETH 140-01:  Your own creation story will be due on Monday, Jan. 17.  There will be time to work on this in class on Tuesday, Jan. 11. 

RES 200-01:  The most important thing you guys need to do is come to class prepared.  Make sure you have a book to read, a calculator, pens/pencils, and both Math and English work.  I want to be able to help you, but I need you to do your part.  Thanks.

As always, if you have any questions or problems, please contact me ASAP.

Take care,

Mr. Foster

Monday, November 29, 2010

November 29 - December 3

Hello!  Here is what's going on in my classes this week:

ENG 406-01:  The Shawshank Redemption  movie review/critique is due on Tuesday.  If you haven't yet handed in your On the Beach diary entries, please do so ASAP.  We will be finishing Chapter 5 in On the Beach, and starting Chapter 6.  Also, our next big assignment will be introduced:  the formal speech.  (This will be a little like the rant, but 5-7 minutes long and less-casual.)  We will be presenting this before Christmas, and beginning our research and planning very soon.  In-class presentation dates will be Dec. 17.  There will also be lunchtime presentation opportunities on Dec. 15 and Dec. 17.  You should pick a date this week.  (If one of these times doesn't work for you, try scheduling a different one with me.)

GEO 206-01:  We will be wrapping up our introduction to Native territory.  Before talking more about Nunavut, we will be doing a complex task assignment related to the movie, The Last of the Mohicans.  We'll be watching the movie next Monday and Tuesday in class.  Before the holidays, we will continue working on the territory of Nunavut, and you will receive and have some time to research/plan your next major complex task.  For this task, you must choose an Aboriginal territory in Quebec, Canada, or elsewhere, and you will have to answer a variety of questions related to Competency 1, 2, and 3.  For those who did not do so well on the term 1 complex task, you must read the instructions carefully and make sure to answer the questions as fully as you can.

POP 304-01:  We will be continuing work on our PowerPoint presentations.  The presentations will be after Christmas, but I need the PowerPoint slides finished by December 22.  There will be more guest speakers, a career aptitude test, and you will get back your resumes.

ETH 140-01:  We will be continuing work on creation stories and religion.  Should be fun!

ENT 402-01:  Your "test" will now be a complex task assignment, and it will cover all the basic Economics stuff we've covered in class, such as needs, wants, supply and demand, price, revenue, cost, profit, market research, etc.  This will be due Dec. 21.  This is very important.  I will be adding more video and work in the lab, but we need to have the basics before we continue.

LAW 802-01:  We will be transitioning from Criminal Law to Civil Law.  You will get back your newspaper article homework assignments, plus we will go over questions from Runaway Jury.  There will be a test on Tuesday, December 7.  It will cover searches, warrants, jury selection, police powers, war crimes, and other materials and articles we have done this term.

Everybody, I hope you have a great week.  If you have any problems or questions, please let me know...

Mr. Foster

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of November 15-19


ENG 406-01 - We'll be going over questions from Chapter 4 of On the Beach, and moving on to our next major CT:  a movie review!  If you haven't handed in your diary entries for 3 characters from On the Beach, do so quickly because they were due last Thursday...

POP 302-01 - For those who haven't handed in resumes and cover letters, you need to do so ASAP.  We will continue working on our PowerPoint presentations.  Guest speaker information coming soon...

GEO 206-01 - We will be continuing our unit on Native territory.  Continue to bring texts and workbooks, but we will be working with videos/movies for much of the month, which I hope will make the class a little more interesting/exciting.

ETH 140-01 - After finishing our Remember the Titans questions, we'll be starting our next unit and looking at creation stories from around the world.

ENT 402-01 - We should finish our economics overview this week, and will soon be starting some mock business projects/activities

LAW 802-01 - We will cover trials and pleas, before moving onto a movie activity.  (Which, not coincidentally, deals with a trial!)  Should be fun...

Everyone, have a great week.  If you have questions or problems, please make an effort to let me know!

Mr. Foster

Friday, November 12, 2010

Regular homework/assignment updates from next week on...

Due to marking, entering grades on the computer, and general end of the term insanity, I haven't updated the HW Zone this week.  It will be up and running with new updates by the beginning of next week, so don't worry!  Have a great weekend and take care.

Mr. Foster

Monday, November 1, 2010

The end of the term is near...

Hi everybody.  I hope all of you had a scary - but happy - Halloween.  Speaking of scary, the end of the term is almost upon us.  November 4 (Thursday!) is the final day of Term 1, so if you owe me any work you need to give it to me before then.  After November 4, I will not be accepting any late work.  There have been many opportunities to hand in/present work during the last couple of weeks, so no more excuses!  If you need to give me something, do it ASAP!  See previous posts or check with me if you think you may not have handed something (s) in.  Good luck and have a great week.

Mr. Foster

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week of October 25-29

Hello Everyone!  Hope all of you had a good weekend.  Here is what we have happening this week.

ENG 406-01: Rants!  Everyone has a rant presentation scheduled on one of the following dates:  Tuesday, Oct. 26 (class or lunch), Thursday, Oct. 28 (class), or Friday, Oct. 29 (class).  Most of you have already done this, but you must give me a topic for approval before you present your rant.  Without this, no rant.  Also, the On the Beach newspaper articles assignment is due on Friday, Oct. 29.  The rant and the newspaper articles are very important complex tasks, as they represent our major talk and media competency assignments respectively this term.

GEO 206-01:  Complex tasks related to Metropolises are due on Wednesday, Oct. 27.  These projects are extremely important!  You may use a bristol board, folder, model, or combination of some or all.  As long as you have followed instructions and answered the questions I've asked you to complete, it is up to you!

LAW 802-01:  We have presentations on Wednesday, Oct. 27 and Friday, Oct. 29.  Remember to prepare copies of important presentation information for each student and for me.  There will be a test on Tuesday, Nov. 2.  It will cover offences from the presentations, plus defences and charges that we have studied in class.  Be ready!

POP 304-01:  We will be continuing to work on resumes, cover letters, job hunting, and job interviews.  Expect a mixture of paper and computer work.  Guest speakers coming soon...

ETH 140-01:  We will be wrapping up our LES on Social Order and Disobeying the Law.

ENT402-01:  We will continue to discuss/study some basics in economics as preparation for our projects later on in the year.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or problems.  Have a good week.

Mr. Foster

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week of Oct. 12-15

Hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving break.  This is what you should expect this week:

ENG 406-01:  We are continuing with On The Beach, and regular things like notations and silent reading.  Rants will be on Thursday, October 21, Friday, October 22, and Tuesday, October 26.  This is a major complex task, and cannot be missed.  For anyone who is nervous about speaking in front of the class, see me about presenting at lunch on Oct. 22 or Oct. 26.  * New and revised Rant dates:  Tuesday, October 26, Thursday, October 28, and Friday, October 29.  The On The Beach newspaper articles assignment is also due on October 29.

GEO 206-01:  We will be starting out big complex task on Metropolises.  You will have to choose a metropolis, research it, and complete a project.  I will give you some time for research in the lab and a couple of chances to work on this in class; however, you will need to work on this at home.  Instructions will come this week.  As always, if you have problems or questions, please see me!  We will be working on the Metropolis complex task for the next couple of weeks.  Due date: Wednesday, October 27.

LAW 802-01:  You will get back your tests and homework assignments.  Just as important, you will choose groups, a topic, and begin research on your criminal offenses presentation.  We'll also continue looking at the case studies we've been studying.  Should be fun...  Presentations will be on Wednesday, October 27 and Friday, October 29.  Test on Tuesday, November 2.

ETH 140-01:  We will be continuing our LES on Social Order.  Keep on thinking and keep on talking...

POP 304-01:  We will continue working on career exploration and reflection.  We are working on organizing some guest speakers very soon, which we hope you will find interesting.

ENT 402-01:  We will continue to do some basic Economics, as well as get into project planning.  Your "Famous Entrepreneur" essay is due on October 22.  You need to save one copy to your ENT folder and give me a paper/printed copy.

Have a great week.  See you in class...

Mr. Foster