Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week of October 25-29

Hello Everyone!  Hope all of you had a good weekend.  Here is what we have happening this week.

ENG 406-01: Rants!  Everyone has a rant presentation scheduled on one of the following dates:  Tuesday, Oct. 26 (class or lunch), Thursday, Oct. 28 (class), or Friday, Oct. 29 (class).  Most of you have already done this, but you must give me a topic for approval before you present your rant.  Without this, no rant.  Also, the On the Beach newspaper articles assignment is due on Friday, Oct. 29.  The rant and the newspaper articles are very important complex tasks, as they represent our major talk and media competency assignments respectively this term.

GEO 206-01:  Complex tasks related to Metropolises are due on Wednesday, Oct. 27.  These projects are extremely important!  You may use a bristol board, folder, model, or combination of some or all.  As long as you have followed instructions and answered the questions I've asked you to complete, it is up to you!

LAW 802-01:  We have presentations on Wednesday, Oct. 27 and Friday, Oct. 29.  Remember to prepare copies of important presentation information for each student and for me.  There will be a test on Tuesday, Nov. 2.  It will cover offences from the presentations, plus defences and charges that we have studied in class.  Be ready!

POP 304-01:  We will be continuing to work on resumes, cover letters, job hunting, and job interviews.  Expect a mixture of paper and computer work.  Guest speakers coming soon...

ETH 140-01:  We will be wrapping up our LES on Social Order and Disobeying the Law.

ENT402-01:  We will continue to discuss/study some basics in economics as preparation for our projects later on in the year.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or problems.  Have a good week.

Mr. Foster