Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Term 3 is underway!

Well, Term 3 has started, which means we're about half done the school year.  Having fun myself, but guess most of you are hoping the second half goes as quickly as the first...

ENG 406-01:  We are continuing our LES on water.  If you miss a class or two, please see me about getting caught up at lunch or some other time.

GEO 206-01:  We are continuing to work on forests in Unit 3 of the text and workbook.

POP 304-03:  We are continuing to work on self tests and surveys related to our interests and abilities.  For those of you who need I.D.s and passwords to log in, we will have you in the system soon...

LAW 812-01:  Officially, this is a new semester and a new course.  Class should be similar to how it has been so far, but there will be more of a focus on business law issues.  It may sound boring, but I'll try to make it as fun as possible.

ETH 140-01:  We are continuing to work on the Media and Sexuality LES.  Don't forget to bring in an advertisement for next class.  Make sure you show it to me at the beginning of class.

ENT 402-01:  We will start up our group business projects next class.  Should be fun!

As always, if you miss class or have any problems or questions, please let me know.  Have a great rest of the week and weekend.

Mr. Foster