Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week of February 15

ENG 406-01 - LES Reader Response and Newspaper Article are now due on Thursday, Feb. 17.  The Commonwealth Essay is due on Feb. 25.  (For competition entries, the due date is Feb. 22.)

POP 304-03 - The Career Essay is due right after March break, on Monday, March 7.

ENT 402-01 - We are continuing to plan our in-school business projects.  Remember, we have to be ready to present these to School Council for approval.

GEO 206-01 - The workbook Complex Task was due last Friday.  The essay complex task ("Can there be use without misuse") and quiz will be on Thursday, Feb. 24.

LAW 812-01 - Any student who missed the test on Feb. 10 must find me to make a rewrite appointment.  We will be watching the movie Erin Brockovich and working on related activities dealing with business and civil law.

ETH 100-01 - We will be continuing the LES on Media and Sexuality.  After discussing your ads with a partner, you will need to write a letter to the company, in which you complain about their advertising methods and you suggest a different approach.  There will be a movie-related activity on the influence of media coming up...