Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

I hope everybody had a great holiday.  A little sad that the vacation is over, but I'm looking forward to see you again.  The term ends of January 20, so it will be a busy next couple of weeks.  Here's what we've got going for the next while...

ENG 406-01:  On The Beach essays are due on Tuesday, Jan. 11.  If you haven't yet handed in your movie review or presented your formal speech, you need to get done by Friday, Jan. 14.  All of these complex tasks are essential in order to pass the course.

LAW 802-01:  Law presentations - famous trials - will be on Friday, Jan. 14 and Tuesday, Jan. 18.  Make sure to confirm your topic with me.  PowerPoint or poster is fine, but make sure to have a back-up plan.

GEO 206-01:  The major complex task on Native Territory is due on Monday, Jan. 17.  You can confirm your topic with me on Thursday, Jan. 6, as well as have more time in the computer lab for research. The smaller complex task based on The Last of the Mohicans, if it has not yet been handed in, will be accepted until then.

POP 304-01:  For those of you who sent me your presentations, thank you very much!  I appreciate it.  Presentations of your slide shows will happen in the next couple of weeks.  There will also be a couple of more guest speakers.  Make sure that I have hard copies of your resumes and slide shows.

ENT 402-02:  On Tuesday, Jan. 11 we will finalize our project groups and think more on project ideas.  If you have not completed the complex task from December, get it in ASAP.

ETH 140-01:  Your own creation story will be due on Monday, Jan. 17.  There will be time to work on this in class on Tuesday, Jan. 11. 

RES 200-01:  The most important thing you guys need to do is come to class prepared.  Make sure you have a book to read, a calculator, pens/pencils, and both Math and English work.  I want to be able to help you, but I need you to do your part.  Thanks.

As always, if you have any questions or problems, please contact me ASAP.

Take care,

Mr. Foster