Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week of September 27 - October 1

I hope that everyone has had a good weekend.  Here is what to expect for next week.

ENG406-01 - We will be continuing On the Beach.  For those that have not done reader responses on "To Build a Fire" and the "Monkey's Paw", there will be no more chances after this Wednesday, September 29.  (Please remember that ENG 406 is necessary for graduation!)  We will also be starting to work on a rant!  Should be fun...

GEO206-01 - Three page homework assignment is due on Monday, September 27.  Late work will not be accepted.  We will be continuing to study metropolises, with special focus on Montreal, and soon there will be a complex task where you will have to research a different metropolis.  As always, you must bring your workbook and textbook to every class.  There will be a quiz on Thursday, September 30.  It will cover what we've covered so far in unit 1.

POP304-01 - You will be doing a short - 2 minute - oral reflection on your career research so far.  Later this week, I will be checking your POP folders.  In the meantime, you should have plenty of time to continue researching and writing your essays.  Remember that the essay is due on Tuesday, October 5.

LAW802-01 - You will get back your newspaper articles answers on Monday, September 27.  We are going to be examining some cases this week.  You will be assigned a presentation due next month, and there is a test on Friday, October 1, which will cover all notes - board and paper - and articles studied in class.

ENT402-01 - We will be going over some basic Economics on Tuesday, September 28.  We will NOT be going to the lab, so come to 216 and expect to remain there for the duration of the class.  Next Tuesday, October 5 we will have a guest speaker.  Don't forget to continue researching/planning your famous entrepreneur essay...

ETH140-01 - We will be starting the LES I handed out to everyone last class.  By the way, thanks you for your dialogue presentations last week.  They were great!

RES200-01 - As you know, each Resource class will be a mix of English and Math.  You must bring English and Math materials, including a scientific calculator.  If you have certain areas you need individual help with, prepare for it and let me know.

ADV-09 - Terry Fox sheets and money are due Monday, September 27.

Have a great week, and don't forget to see/contact me in advance if you have any questions or problems.