Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010 Homework/Class Update

Hi Everyone!  Well, everyone has received class outlines for all of my classes.  Here is a little of what we are doing and have coming up soon in my classes. 

ENG406-01: Reader response for "To Build A Fire" is due Wednesday.  This week we'll be starting notations, a new short story, and continuing with silent reading

GEO206-01: We now have the textbook and workbook, and by the end of this week we will have covered up to around page 10 in the textbook and page 4 or 5 in the workbook.  If you haven't handed in both review map assignments from August 30 and September 2, please do so quickly.  There will be another assignment sheet handed out tomorrow, so make sure you don't fall behind.

LAW802-01: We're still in the intro stages of the law, so we'll continue mainly with notes and current event legal issues articles for now.  On Tuesday morning, you will be expected to meet in groups and discuss the article about stoning in Iran.  Expect a short group presentation next week...

ENT402-02: This week (Day 2) and next week (Day 7) we will be continuing self-assessment on our entrepreneurial potential.  We will be heading to the computer lab, but please come to class first for attendance.

ETH140-01: We will continue to examine moral dilemmas, individually, in pairs, in groups, and as a larger class group.  LES#1 will start next week (Next Day 7).

POP304: We will be wrapping up our first activity, making sure journal entries are coming along alright, checking folders, and, on Thursday (Day 3), giving a short oral report on what you've learned about yourself in class so far...

RES200-01: Remember to bring your Math and English work to each class.  This is required, plus it will help you to improve.

ADV-09: Target setting this week.  Think seriously about mark, attitude to study, and attendance targets for each of your classes.

If you have any questions, or you are not sure about something, please see me.  See you in class and take care of yourselves. 

Mr. Foster