Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of September 20-24

I hope everyone is doing well.  Here is what we'll be doing in class this week, along with information about what is due.  If you have any questions, please see or contact me ASAP!  Take care and have a great week!   Mr. Foster

ENG 406-01:  Well, I have most of your reader responses for "To Build a Fire."  (Which, if you remember, were due last Wednesday.)  If you haven't handed it in yet, please get on it ASAP!  This week we will be preparing our second reader response, a short oral response to "The Monkey's Paw."  Also, we will likely be starting our novel, On The Beach.  If you are behind, get yourself caught up...

GEO 206-01:  I will be collecting your assignment (3 pages) on Monday, September 27 (Day 1), and next week we will be starting our first project.  Make sure you bring your workbook, textbook, and binder to every class.  As is the case with doing homework, assignments, and doing your best in class, not being prepared for class reflects poorly on your attitude to study.  I know you have what it takes to do a good job...

POP 304-01:  Will will be working on our essays this week.  You should be able to do your research and maybe much of your writing in class if you use your time wisely.  The essay will be due on Tuesday, October 5.  On Monday, September 27 (Day 1), I will be meeting with everyone individually for a couple of minutes to get an oral reflection on what you have learned about yourself and careers so far...

LAW 802-02: On Thursday (Day 8) we should be done our basic intro unit to the law, and be moving on to discussing case studies in small groups.  If you did not hand in your homework last Thursday, here are the questions:

1) What is a capital crime?
2) What is a suspended sentence?
3) What country executes the most people each year?
4) What is sharia law?
5) From what we've learned in class about the origins of laws and need for laws, plus what you've read in articles, think of some arguments that people for and against punishments like stoning might make.  You can use examples from the article and think of your own.
6) Are you in favour of capital punishment?  If so, for what crimes?  Also, which method (s) should be used?

All answers should be in full sentences, and your answers for numbers 5) and 6) will require longer answers than the other ones.  Next week there will be a test on what we've learned so far, and you will soon be getting information on your first major assignment. 

ENT 402-01: We will be continuing our self-assessment research and starting our first assignment on Wednesday (Day 7).  We will be heading down to 131, but come to 216 first for attendance.  On October 5 (Day 7) we will have a guest speaker...

ETH 140-01: On Wednesday, you will have a little time to fnish preparing your dialogue roleplays before presenting them.  Presentations do not have to be longer than 2 minutes.  Good luck!  You will also be receiving an introduction to your first LES, which will be due in October.  More details to come...

RES 200-01: Make sure that you keep bringing English and Math binders and work - including calculators - to class.  If you have individual problems, I can help you with them, but there will always be work for you to do if you do not ask me for individual Math or English help.